Well, this year is about done. Thank goodness. While not horrible, I'm kind of glad to see this year pass. Suppose to get a couple more inches of snow today and the temps are suppose to drop back to single digits for the next 7 days. Tromped out to the outside pond last night to check the water level. Many a pond has emptied out under the ice and owners not even know it. I hear pond members say their aerator system keeps a hole open all year, but mine ices over quiet often. I've watched the hole recently shrink from about a 3 foot hole down to a 1 foot hole. The fish continue to hang out directly under my inner tube style heater. I took a picture of them last night and if you look real close you can see my Bekko (White with Black spots) koi sitting there hopefully enjoying the warmer temps. I can see the air stone I dropped right in that area is not working. I suspect the clear air hose I used has frozen. The problem with clear line is the sun shines on it and causes it to condense inside the hose then it freezes and the air gets shut off. My main air lines going into the pond from the large aerator all have weighted black lines. The sun can't penetrate those lines so there is never a problem with condensation inside the lines. Fish inside all seem to be doing OK again. Harry is in southern Iowa ice fishing. Something he's been trying to talk me into doing for a long time. I have to say the ice scares me. I look forward to ringing in the new year with a little get together with other pond club members. Happy New Year everybody.
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