It's Friday and only one week before Christmas. The weather is cold and work is slow, so not much to do here but read Koi Forums and daydream about next years gardens and fish. I thought I'd mention that I did recently buy some new koi on line. Bid on them from ebay. Something I once told myself I'd never do again. Many moons ago I purchased a box of 50 koi babies on line. I think maybe I liked 1 or 2 from the whole box. Since then, I decided I just wanted to buy fish I could see. They just cost too much to purchase sight unseen. I like to see how the fish behaves as much as its coloration. So out of boredom and because I can be an impulsive koi buyer, I bid and won a small Doitsu Lemon Hariwake. Then, and theres always a catch, since the freight is more than the fish cost, I purchased an additional 4 fish to accompany the original fish. So with the Hariwake came a Kujaku and 3 Shusui. The Shusui where sight unseen and reminded me of why I told myself never to do that again. But, I liked the Kujaku and loved the Hariwake so since the Shusui are very tiny, only 4", maybe they'll improve with growth and age. Time will tell as with all Koi. I took the box of fish home while Harry was away hunting. "He'll never notice" I told myself!!! Sneeking things home, isn't that a sign of a true shopaholic? (Koi-aholic in my case)Into the basement, where Harry seldom goes. I'll just set up this qt tank over here behind the existing tank. He won't see them here. So it's Christmas and they've sat in a smaller Qt tank for over a month and I'm now conserdering adding them to the larger tank in the basement with the rest of my koi on their winter vacation there. The babies all seemed to survive their trasporting in good shape and seemed to adjusted to my water. I did shotgun them for parasites, as I always do. They are eating well, so will add them now with the other fish and keep a close eye on them and my own fish for any changes at all. I did not run them through any KHV protecal and will pay the cercumstances if they are infected. The chance I guess I'm willing to take. Since they are American breed, I feel a little safer for some reason. Anyway, so here's a picture of the Lemon Hariwake. He/She has no scales on it's body, is light yellow with white metalic fins and tail. No butterflies allowed. And oh ya, I did finally tell Harry and he just raised his eyebrows at me and shook his head. When he asked "how much?" I just said, "I got them off ebay, they were cheep!!"
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