Look at this nasty little critter! I've been fighting with my basement fish having mouth and fin rot since I brought them into the inside pond in the fall. When I brought them in, I used Terminex and Prazi on them to prophylactically de=bug them. But, despite that, while many got better and most of the ulcers healed on the big fish, many of the smaller fish still have been fighting something. I've fed medicated food to try to help them. I have one small chag that has had a sore on his back for at least 3 months! Not getting any better, not getting too much worse. Danged if I could catch him though. Then just last week a second chag started to develop a sore. Over the weekend I was lucky enough to net him during feeding. I did a scape on him, and much to my surprise here was this guy, a fluke! I was blaming all my problems on bacteria, cause the fish never displayed any fluke signs like flashing or hiding in the corner or anything. While I could see problems with them, they always acted quite normal. And, mouth rot is not really a sign of flukes. Regardless, there he was under my scope, big as day and doing his familiar fluke dance. So, apparently my previously de-bugging didn't take care of them all. So, I re dosed with Prazi again and am hoping for the best. Knowing this, and knowing they were having problems before they ever came inside, I know I have flukes in the main ponds. So, now the trick is to get them out before they take over and kill my outside koi before their immune systems wake up from their winter nap. Which may be a trick. I will need to dose as quickly as the temps will allow. I swear, I have no idea where these things come from. It's a mystery.....
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