Happy New Year, everybody. Temps here in good ole Iowa have been pretty consistently in the teens and twenty's. Christmas eve brought me and additional 11 inches of snow at home. That's on top of the 6-8 that was already on the ground. About as deep as I can recall in a long time. Harry's been out two or three times to dig out the floating light so that the weight of the snow doesn't push it into the water. He also takes the snow off one end of the pond to allow a little sun light in. Otherwise the whole thing would be drifted in with about 3 feet of snow on it!! The aerator does continue to keep a hole open so Harry will not venture even close to that end. The fish had moved to the light. They were holding up close to the filter house (on opposite ends of the pond) but I think when snow covered the pond they swam to the light. It's suppose to rain and even get into the 40's possibly this week. If it gets this warm, we'll probably even try to do a water change out there. Dropping in the pump and running a hose from the water faucet. The fog has been creating the most beautiful frosted white trees and bushes out there. Have you noticed? It's actually quiet gorgeous out there. The snow has completely blanketed the yard, transforming it into this lumpy white foam covered landscape. I can make out forms and know what is causing them, but they are safely cocooned under their coats. A rabbit that I think lives under the deck is making tracks across the yard. They come into the yard and go to a new tree that I wrapped loosely just to keep the winter wind off it. I can only imagine that he has probably eating all the bark off it by now. I didn't wrap the trunk to protect that. His tracks leave the tree and then run across the yard to another lump in the snow. I figured out that was where our little fire pit (sits on legs) is sitting. It was creating a little snow cave for him. So he must be spending some time under it also. The birds are once again finding the feeders. Something we enjoy doing all winter. Hopefully we can keep the squirrels away this year. Fish in the basement are doing about the same. No change there, which is good news to me.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Merry Christmas, everybody!!
Merry Christmas, everybody. Wow, Christmas is this coming Saturday already. Can you believe that? Where has the year gone? Only have to stop and buy some bird feed for a gift and all my shopping is done. The weather was only in the teens all weekend and we probably had 6 inches of snow on the ground. Harry called me earlier to say we were getting another 4 inches or more today. I was out digging in the snow Saturday, resetting GFIs. The snow was getting into some of my plugs and blowing them out. When I go outside, if I listen carefully I can hear the excess air from my aerator hissing, so I know the pond is still getting air. I only have 1 of the 4 aerated drains going during the winter months, so I have to unhook one of the hoses inside the pump house to let the excess air escape to prevent back pressure on the aerator. Harry had previously dug out the floating inner-tube we use to keep a hole open with. He also shoveled a little snow off the safer end of the pond. There was 3 inches of snow covering the area where the aerator is and no open hole, so I got a rake and standing safely on ground, I reached out and raked some of the snow back. Under it, the ice was wet and all I had to do was change ends and I could easily poke a hole with the rake handle to open it back up. If it warms up a few more degrees (at least into the 30's) we'll actually do a partial water change. This will give the fish some fresh water, plus recharge the Kh value in the water. Last year the fish hung out all winter right under the light of the floating inner tube. This year they must be on the very bottom, next to the filter house.
Inside, the fish are doing alright. I lost a 4th fish last week. Only thing I could see on it was some mouth rot. Others still have sores, but one fish has finally healed, while others are staying about the same. I actually went on line and bought 2 water bed heaters on ebay this past week. I think part of my problems were that my water is just not warm enough to promote healing. Because of my drip through filtration, the water stays about 68 degrees, where as I'd like it to be between 75 and 80. So over the weekend Harry and I lowered the water level and installed the 2 water bed heaters behind the liner. Now, hopefully I can finally get the water warmer. The problem with the sores not healing is the fish will eventually loose enough blood, through the open sore that it will become anemic and/or just not be able to maintain its metabolism. They start to take on water through this open sore too. Just a lot of extra stress on the fish. If you think about how a fishes tissue flakes apart when you eat it, it becomes obvious how easy it is for pathogens to enter into a fish. Its muscle tissue is in layers not bundles like humans. So, despite the fish loss, I'm optimistic that things will get better in the pond. Got my fingers crossed.
I got to thinking that I'm always writing about fish loss instead of all the positive things that are happening in the ponds. I do this so that hopefully you'll learn from mine and others problems. There are a ton of things I'm thankful for, and this whole fish thing is just a hobby after all. I'm learning still. Seems I have more problems that most, so am thinking about sending my well water away for thorough testing. Just to see if I have some hidden silent killer, like too much copper or zinc or some other heavy metal. Just one more avenue to learn every aspect of what exactly I'm putting into my pond.
Anyway, I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and happy New Year. May your fishy friends survive the Winter to see another Spring and most importantly your friends and family be safe. Talk at you after Christmas. Jackie
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Merry Christmas, everyone!

December already, man where does time go? I've been running around trying to do a little Christmas shopping. Even turned on some Christmas music for the first time today. The outside pond is totally froze over, now. Except for my small hole that is. Suppose to get below zero for the first time this weekend also. I hate this time of the year outside in the ponds. Again, the fish are under the ice. Away for their long winter nap. I know its not the most ideal situation to leave fish outside, but until I figure out a way to limit my compulsions for too many fish, the inside pond will only hold so many. We brought in fish in late October, so almost been 2 full months already for the inside fish. I was already having some ulcer issues late last fall, which made me bring in more fish than my inside pond should be holding. Since October, I have treated with Proform C and Prazi on all the inside fish. Trying to make sure they are clean. I've feed medicated food for about a month but now on regular food. I am also presently treating with Nitrofuracin Green. Its an antibacterial, antifungus water treatment. I still have several fish with ulcers that are not healing. A few have minor fin and mouth sores also. Since I use a flow through or constant water drip, I've been pretty much able to maintain water quality. Only low levels of both ammonia and nitrites. But still, probably enough to keep a little stress on the fish. Water temps in the pond are probably my biggest problem. Even being inside, 70 is about as high as I can get the water temp. And, that is probably 5-10 degrees too cold. And, probably why the ulcers won't clear. I have lost 3 fish since bringing them in. Which didn't surprise me, but makes me sad and angry both. I still have at least 4 months to go! It's going to be a long and hard winter. I don't know what else now to do. There is just no where else to put the fish. I know they are overcrowded, but got to work with what I have. So am just praying everything I do is enough. To be continued.... Have a merry Christmas everybody. Hope to see you soon.
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