Temps got to a whole 30 yesterday. Don't know about you, but I'm really getting tired of winter. It warmed up just enough for Harry to go out and do a water change out. He cleared the pond of the last 2 inches of snow and dropped a sump pump down the hole created by the air stone. He pumped out 10 inches of water and then ran a hose from the outside faucet to the pond to refill with fresh water. We keep 2 long hoses in the basement just for this purpose. Takes a couple hours at least, but a good job done and you feel good about it after you've drained all the hoses and wrapped them back up to return to the basement. Hopefully the fish appreciate it too. A water change helps replace the KH which slowly deteriorates during the winter months. A high Kh is essential to Ph stability during the winter months. All looks good out there as of now. Fish seem to be doing ok, but it's early. It's usually March/April when all he** can break loose and fish deteriorate fast.
Fish in the basement still seem to be thriving ok. Had company over last weekend and actually took them to the basement to see the fish. The basement with the fish tank is small and chalk full of my seasonal house decorations, canned foods, and tons of misc. garbage to valuable to throw away, making it tight quarters and too embarrassing to take company to view. (of course, Harry thinks it all can be thrown away.)So these folks were some of the privileged few who get to see my basement pond set up. It isn't pretty, just functional. Keeps the fish safe and happy for the winter. I tell myself that's all that matters. Even then, as they usually do they all swam to hide in the back corner under the safety of the air stone that disturbs the surface of the water enough that they think they are hiding cause they can't see you standing there. Course you can't see them either. So I exposed my friends to my gross basement for nothing, cause they didn't get to see the fish much. Not sure why the basement fish are so skittish. I suppose I have one fish that sends out danger signals to all the fish and thus they are all that way. One fish can spoil it all you know. I've gotten rid of a fish before for being disruptive while they ate. She'd come up, grab a bite, and then flip her tail sending food and scared fish in every direction. Once I got rid of that fish, they all started eating quietly and gracefully and mealtime was a pleasure to watch and observe the fish. So if I can figure out which fish is the big scardy cat, it may be "outta here" too.
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