Lymphocystis is another viral illness of koi. Often confused with Carp pox, its appearance only differs in that under a microscope it will appear to look like a cluster of grapes. It infects dermal fibroblasts, causing them to swell up to 100,000 times their normal size, resulting in groups of white to gray nodules, similar to a mulberry. Lymphocystis is transmitted when infected skin cells rupture and release viral particles into the water. As with carp pox, specific treatment is typically not required; improvement in environmental conditions and removal of underlying stressors typically result in spontaneous resolution. Again, its viral, so is "catchy" to the other fish. I recently was given a fish to take home and euthanize, as the owner didn't have the chemicals to do it painlessly. This was a 12 inch koi that without any warning broke out with "raised spots" all over its body. It had never before displayed any problems, other than maybe slowed growth. The owner felt the fish may have also been blind. Upon examination, I found his eyes appeared clear but seemed to be covered with a slime of sorts. The "spots" appeared bumpy like a mulberry and under the microscope looked like grapes. Just like the text book (love it when that happens!) I did however keep the fish alive for over 3 days as even with spots it was a beautiful fish and I just didn't have the heart to kill it. What do you do with an infectious fish? I agonized over it. I wouldn't put him in my pond. Couldn't see giving it away for someone else to put in their pond if I wouldn't do it. The owner didn't want him back or in his pond!!! Poor guy. He was a fish with no home. So on day 4, I finally euthanized the fish using a lethal dose of MS222 (used to put fish to sleep)and walking away for a day. It was very sad. And, still bothers me today to think about him. He's buried under a flower in my garden. If you think my flowers look nice, its because its a secret koi burial ground. Only the fish gods know.
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